
I feel guilty and ashamed

A lot of the time

I feel like I’m doing something wrong

I feel like I’m not worthy or good enough

I’m not enough

I should know better

I should do better

I should be better

Why aren’t I better?

Am I even changing?

It feels like I’m not

Have I even changed?

It feels like I haven’t

The progress I was making

Am I still making it?

Because it sure doesn’t feel like it…

But this need to be perfect

Is hurting me inside

I am not proud; I am not happy

With myself, who I am and where I’m at

But how am I to feel any different

When I don’t feel good enough?

I just feel disappointed in myself, I guess…

I haven’t been achieving or succeeding

And it feels like I’m taking steps backwards

I’m not where I want to be

I’m never where I want to be

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